LCPS Autism Programs

Continuum of Special Student Services

The LCPS Special Student Services Department encompasses a continuum of specialized services that support the social, emotional, academic and physical needs of youth ages three through 21 with various ranges of exceptionalities. Our mission is to provide specialized instruction and services, “that are reasonably calculated to enable a child to make progress appropriate in light of the child’s circumstances.”1  [1] 137 1000.

In conjunction with state and local agencies as well as related services within the schools, programs are designed following best practices as well as federal and state guidelines.

In LCPS, we understand that every child has different and specific needs, gifts, strengths and challenges. Therefore, we are committed to providing a wide range of services for our students who are living with the disability of autism. We know the old saying is true, “When you’ve met one person with autism, you have met one person with autism.”

Services in our district range from minimal additional support in the general education environment to more restrictive self-contained classrooms. Across all settings, though, the primary goal is to inspire academic growth and development while addressing the core deficits of autism in the least restrictive environment necessary for success. The evaluation and Individualize Education Program (IEP) Team will help formulate detailed goals and objectives for your student.

Parent Handbook – Autism SAS